You've found C.G.Allan's "FEATURED FICTION #6"
'Dark Sci-Fi' - "rimor insolitus novus universitas!"

I see myself as a writer of adventure fiction
but sometimes I like to explore
my interest in genuine science fiction more deeply.
This is a different writing page than my others
as it's an attempt at broader literature
which has at times shadowy themes and theories
about our modern world lurking in the background.
Welcome, then, to my other-worldly science fiction tales
that may be at times chilling
but with always a hint of the "possible" in them...

Now you've seen the teaser, read on below to get the full story...

To read the e-book above,
simply hover over the centre and tap or click!

Get tuned in right now
to the audio version of Click, Click, Click
originally broadcast on CityFM in Newcastle:

Coming Soon from the pen of C.G.Allan!
"Me, Myself & I..."

'The End of the World Duology' becomes an Earth-shattering Trilogy!
Watch the black space in the not-so-distant future
for the final story in the Clara saga...

You can read more of C.G.Allan's "speculative fiction"
across at the weird & wonderful story website:
Springheeled Jack.
C.G.Allan's first story to be featured on that site
The Thirst for Knowledge
deals with science experiments gone wrong...
As noted at the top of this page,
these stories deal with more 'volatile' subjects
than C.G.Allan's usual fiction
so readers be warned!